Legal Information

Date of update: 15/06/2016

In accordance with the Law for Confidence in the Digital Economy (law No. 2004-575 of 21/06/2004), we bring the following information to the attention of the users of the site

Website designer

  • Corporate name: SARL La Dame du Web
  • Head Office: 279 rue des Ecoles -38410 Vaulnaveys-Le-Haut - FRANCE
  • SIRET number: 800048423 00019

Website publisher

  • Corporate name: VAGABONDE SARL
  • Head Office: 542 Route de Saint Nizier - 38410 Saint-Martin-d'Uriage - FRANCE
  • Telephone : 04 86 68 89 20
  • Contact by e-mail:
  • SARL with company capital of €10,300.
  • RCS number: RCS Grenoble 502770449
  • SIRET number: 50277044900010
  • Intra-Community VAT number: FR62502770449
  • Director: Céline DUBOUT
  • Site publication director: Céline DUBOUT, dirigeante

Website host

  • Corporate name: OVH
  • Head Office: 2 rue Kellermann - BP 80157 - 59100 Roubaix - FRANCE
  • Telephone: 0 820 698 765 (indigo no. at €0.118€/min)
  • Website:
  • SAS with company capital of €10,000,000
  • RCS number: Roubaix – Tourcoing 424 761 419 00045

Use and protection of personal data - Loi Informatique et Libertés (French data protection law)

In order to respect the privacy of the users, VAGABONDE company promises that the collection and processing of personal information, within the present site, are done in accordance with the French law "Informatique et Libertés" no. 78-17 of 6th January 1978, modified by law no. 2004-801 of 6th August 2004. As such, the website has been declared to the French National Commission for Information Technology and Civil Liberties (CNIL) under registration number 1968899 v 0.

What is personal data?

The term "personal data" refers to any data that allows a person to be identified, such as your surname, first name, telephone numbers, e-mail address, postal address or any information that you communicate to us about yourself.p>

Who collects personal data and by what means?

The company VAGABONDE has to collect personal data about you, in order for example to provide you with a pleasant user experience on its site, or to process your orders and inquiries as efficiently as possible. The person in charge of the collection and processing of these personal data is Mrs Céline DUBOUT of the company VAGABONDE.

Your personal data is collected:
- automatically via cookies when you browse our site ( know more ), or
- when you fill in an online form, subscribe to the newsletter, make an online purchase (creation of a customer account) or write us an e-mail.

We do not store your confidential banking information on our site. This information is processed directly by the bank managing the transactions on our website.

Purposes of collecting personal data

Your personal data is collected for one or more of the following purposes:
- manage your orders
- contact users who have requested quotes or information about our services
- compile trade statistics
- create and manage prospect files
- customer management
- canvassing and promotional activities
- sending promotional messages. You can unsubscribe from these mailings at any time by clicking on the link at the bottom of the e-mails sent
- perform non-nominal statistical analyses.

Recipients of collected data

VAGABONDE commits itself to respecting the confidentiality of your personal data. The personal data collected by VAGABONDE are only intended for internal use. Under no circumstances is this information given, exchanged or sold to third parties outside the company without the consent and agreement of the persons concerned. Only our company and the external companies involved in processing your order have access to the information you give us.

We may, however, disclose your personal data to public bodies in order to meet legal obligations, to the police, the tax authorities and to bodies responsible for debt collection.


When you give your personal data via our website, for example by filling in a form (for example by creating a customer account), you expressly agree that VAGABONDE may collect and use your personal data in accordance with what is stated in the paragraph "Use and protection of personal data - Data Protection Act".

Securing personal data

The company VAGABONDE takes all necessary precautions to guarantee the security of your personal data and in particular to prevent them from being damaged or disclosed to unauthorized third parties.

Right of access, rectification and opposition

In accordance with Article 40 of the French Data Protection Act No. 78-17 of 6th January 1978, any person submitting personal information on this website has the right to access, modify, rectify and delete his or her personal data. Furthermore, any natural person has the right to object, for legitimate reasons, to personal data concerning him / her being processed or used for canvassing purposes (art. 38 of law 78-17 of 6th January 1978).

To exercise these rights, a request must be sent to VAGABONDE by e-mail to, or by post addressed to 542 Route de Saint Nizier - 38410 Saint-Martin-d'Uriage - FRANCE, indicating the contact details concerned and the address to which the answer should be sent.


You can be informed about news, promotions, etc. about VAGABONDE by subscribing to our newsletter by giving us your e-mail address in the box reserved for this purpose. You can unsubscribe at any time using the unsubscribe button at the bottom of each newsletter.


The user is informed that when browsing the website, one or more cookies may be automatically installed on his computer. The user may oppose the storing of one or more cookies by configuring his browser in an appropriate manner (see the procedure). Refusal to install one or more cookies may result in the impossibility of access to some services on the website.

Definition and main purposes of cookies

A cookie is a small text file, which is installed on the hard disk of a computer or mobile device visiting a website and which records browsing information. The cookie is then sent back to the issuing website on each subsequent visit.

Among other things, cookies are used to improve your browsing comfort by, for example, avoiding having to re-enter the same information several times, by recording your preferences and thus personalizing the site (targeted advertising content, targeted promotional offers, information on new offers, etc.). The data obtained by cookies can also be used to study the website's traffic.

Cookie senders

Cookies directly sent by our website

These are the cookies VAGABONDE puts on your terminal as you browse our website These cookies are sent to facilitate browsing on our website, to personalise our services and to compile statistics on the number of visitors to our site. The data collected via these cookies are intended for VAGABONDE in-house.

Third party cookies

These are cookies deposited by third party companies, other than VAGABONDE, during your visit to our site These third party companies can be audience analysis services, advertising agencies, partners or social networks (Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Pinterest, etc.). Third party cookies may be installed on your terminal when you visit our site, for example when you click on an advertising space on our site, or when you use buttons on social networks (sharing, like, etc.). Third party companies use these cookies to find out about your interests, your tastes in the products you consult or buy and thus to offer you a personalised advertising offer on our site or outside our site.

VAGABONDE does not control the cookies deposited by third parties during the consultation of its website. VAGABONDE is thus not responsible for the management and lifetime of the third party cookies put on its website. We invite you to read the cookie use policy of these third party companies (information collected, purpose of use of this information, etc.). We inform you that you can ask for these cookies not being saved on your terminal by configuring your browser in the appropriate way .

Type and purpose of cookies that may be installed from the website

Technical cookies

These are the parameter setting and navigation cookies deposited by VAGABONDE. They allow, among other things:
- facilitate your browsing on our website
- to personalise the services by storing your user preferences (language, information entered, etc.) so that you do not have to make the same choices each time you visit our site and so that you can easily browse during your next visits
- to customise your experience (recall of the last consulted products, conservation of the contents of the basket, etc.)
- to benefit from certain functionalities (account setup, contact form entry, etc.).

Statistical cookies: analysis of the site's audience

VAGABONDE's website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics tool that allows to better understand the behaviour of users during their visits on our website (geographical origin, number of page views, duration of visits, traffic origin, etc.). This tool may use cookies (third party cookies) to collect information anonymously: statistical reports are generated without the users being personally identified by Google. Some audience cookies can identify your IP address (Internet Protocol) in order to know your geographical origin of connection.

Social network cookies

The website can use buttons from social networks (for example: Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinterest, etc.) such as "Like" buttons, content sharing buttons, etc.

When you visit a web page on which one of these buttons is located, the social network can put cookies in your browser (third party cookies that VAGABONDE does not control), even if you do not click on the button and even if you are not connected to this network.

Social networks can associate this viewing with your profile and thus offer you ads suited to your interests. We invite you to consult the privacy protection policies of each of these social networks, to inform you about the purposes of use of the data collected by these social networks via the buttons on our website. You also have the possibility of opposing the installation of these cookies, but in this case you will no longer be able to benefit from the features of the social network buttons.

Advertising cookies

Advertising cookies, issued mainly by advertising agencies (Google Adsense, etc.), record information on the browsing of Internet users. This enables them to find out the centres of interest of Internet users and thus offer them targeted and personalised advertising, on our site or outside our site when they are surfing on the Internet.

VAGABONDE has no control over these third party cookies (management, lifetime of the cookies, etc.) and cannot exhaustively list the different advertising agencies that may put advertising cookies on your browser when you browse our website. It invites you to read the privacy protection policies of each of these advertising providers.

You can refuse these cookies by configuring your browser in the right way. Refusal of these cookies will not affect the use of our site and will not prevent you from being offered advertising on our site or on the Internet. The proposed ads will just not take your interests into account.

How long your consent and cookies are valid

The period of validity of consent to cookies is 13 months. Beyond this period, you will be asked again for your agreement. Cookies will be automatically deleted from your terminal (PC or mobile device) thirteen months after their first being put there. Their lifetime should not be extended when you visit the site again. However, they can be reinstalled as soon as your consent has been given again.

Procedure for refusing the installation of cookies

You can prevent one or more cookies from being saved on your terminal by configuring your browser appropriately (see procedure below depending on the browser used). Note that refusal to install one or more cookies may result in the impossibility of access to some services on the website.

Important: If your device uses multiple browsers, you must set cookies on all the browsers you use to access our website. Moreover, if you use different terminals to access our website (PC, mobile, etc.), you must set your cookie preferences on each of them.

Internet explorer
1. From the Tools menu at the top right of the navigation bar, select Internet Options
2. Click on the Privacy tab
3. You can set your choices regarding cookies using a cursor. If you click on Advanced you can do manual and advanced cookie management.
4. Save your preferences by clicking OK.

Mozilla Firefox
1. Click on the menu button in the upper right-hand corner of the menu bar and select Options.
2. Select the Privacy panel
3. In the History field, for the "Firefox will" option, select use custom settings for history.
4. The displayed parameters are for setting your choices for cookies and their storage duration.
5. Exit the page to save your choices.

Google Chrome
1. Click on the menu button in the upper right-hand corner of the menu bar and select Settings.
2. Click View Advanced Settings.
3. In the Privacy section, click on the Content settings button.
4. In the Cookies section, you can set your choices regarding cookies.
5. Click OK to confirm your choices.

11. Click on the menu button in the upper right-hand corner of the menu bar and select Preferences.
2. Select the Privacy icon
3. Set your choices for cookies (Block third party sites).
4. Close the window to save your choices.

1. From the main menu, select Settings.
2. Click on Privacy & Security in the sidebar.
3. Under Cookies, select one of the available options.
4. Click the Manage exceptions button to set preferences for specific sites.
5. Exit to save your preferences.

Intellectual property

By accessing the website, you agree to comply with the French Intellectual Property Code. All the elements of the website (contents, images, videos, graphics, etc.) are protected works and are the exclusive property of VAGABONDE, its partners or the authors of the images-videos, etc. VAGABONDE only allows the user to view its website for personal and private use. Consequently, it is strictly forbidden, for any use other than private use, to download, use, reproduce, exploit partially or totally or modify all the elements of the website (including the documents to be downloaded), by any process whatsoever, and on any medium whatsoever, without prior written authorisation from VAGABONDE. Any unauthorised use, reproduction, exploitation or modification of the site or of one of the elements it contains will be considered as constituting an offence of counterfeiting liable to legal proceedings, in accordance with article L. 122-4 of the Intellectual Property Code.

Dispute resolution: consumer mediation

Pursuant to Order No. 2015-1033 of 20th August 2015 on the out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes, consumer mediation is available to any (non-professional) person having a dispute with a professional who has sold him a product or provided a service. Mediation is a free and confidential method of amicable dispute resolution.

If you encounter a dispute, before taking the matter to a mediator, you must contact us to try to settle the dispute. Proof of this first step will be asked for by the mediator.

As the consumer mediation system is gradually implemented, not all the competent mediators are yet appointed. We do not yet know the competent mediator for our sector of business. Therefore, we cannot give you his contact details and the address of his website. You can find here the list of mediators already appointed, which is being completed over time on the Ministry of Finance and Public Accounts website .

Reporting inappropriate or illegal content

If you believe that any content present on the website contains an inappropriate, offensive or defamatory message, please notify us immediately by e-mail at, or by post addressed to 9 Allée des Marronniers 38700 Corenc France.

Photo Credits

JP. Noisillier/ and S. Rivière/ Alpes Photographie